Parenting is hard at the best of times.
When your child is struggling with their mental health, that struggle grows exponentially.
You may feel isolated, intimidated, unsure and defeated. It’s hard!
Rest assured that your strength lies within you. You know your child best. You know their unspoken cues, ability to transition.
I invite you to be empowered and grounded by that, standing strong in your goals to create the best environment for your child.
Creating a relationship of collaboration and understanding with your school community.
You’re not alone in this.
As your child gains skills, explores challenging situations and grows, you have an opportunity to move and shift within that, standing strong in your goals, setting and resetting priorities with your child.
Open the doors of communication by sending that email, introducing your child, and sharing their strengths and stressors.
Write down your child’s goals and questions, exploring solutions.
We don’t need to have the answers. The school may not have the answers and that’s okay.
If we ask those questions, we can work on solutions together.
Our kids will walk into school confident in themselves, able to advocate for what they need, socializing and becoming a fully engaged part of the school community, feeling like they belong.
I know it’s hard. It’s one step at a time.
And I also know “you’ve got this!”