Talk Breathe Live

with Darlene Wierski-Devoe

You've Got This! Let's find out how!

Living your true authentic life is within reach

Coaching with Darlene Wierski-Devoe

Meet Darlene

Transformational Life Coach & Gatherer of people

Sharing a little piece of my world with you…

Talk Breathe Live is a place of inspiration, a safe space where you can begin to uncover, discover and find clarity amongst the chaos through Talking, Breathing and Living each day authentically with passion and purpose. 

My hope is that something will resonate with you as you are on your journey.

I became a Life Coach because I had a moment where it all finally made sense. All of the trials, tribulations, grief, loss, happiness, success – it all had a purpose, a meaning. In the midst of all of the chaos, it certainly didn’t feel that way.

I finally realized that with each experience I had gained more wisdom and insight into my life. I also found my divine connection to my breath – a path to finding healing and balance.

I wish the same for you. Uncovering, discovering and connecting your breath to live your truth – your authentic life.

I believe 100% that “you got this!”

Photo credit: Laurie Goodman Photography

Find clarity amongst the chaos through...

When we show ourselves kindness and find that which makes our hearts sing our, whole world is elevated. Will you join me?
Proof Positive provided me with the opportunity to actually see what I have accomplished and what I can actually do going forward. Darlene has a gift of creating a safe space to explore the hard questions, truly listens to you, and provides the time to dig a bit deeper to explore them. This process can be extremely helpful for those experiencing low self-esteem and who remain stuck in seeing only barriers and challenges.
Proof Positive Participant
I’m writing and diving deep and it’s uncomfortable but also cathartic. I realize that the last 19 years, and I could go further back but I’m only human, have had so many traumas, I am beside myself as I take inventory. Then I heard your voice say, “Healing Warrior”, and I took a breath in and for the first time in a long time there was a spark of peace in my soul. Thank you!

Talk it through, Breathe into it & Live your best life...

Possibilities are endless (1)

Coaching One-on-One Session

This one-on-one coaching helps heart-centered people actively explore, hear and know that they are more than what is on the surface.

Proof (2)

Proof Positive – 3-hour 1-on-1 Session

For those looking to dedicate some time and space to discover, uncover and explore your intentions and life’s purpose in this interactive, intensive 3-hour program.

Proof Positive Presentation

6 Week Series – Self-Compassion Mindfulness, Meditation and Intention Setting

For those looking to reconnect, send kindness and gratitude to self.