Talk Breathe Live

with Darlene Wierski-Devoe

You've Got This! Let's find out how!

No BS Let's get this done notepad

No BS … Let’s get this done notepad

This notepad is for anyone who wants to harness their creativity, stay organized, and make steady progress toward their goals while embracing a mindful approach to daily tasks and achievements.

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“My No Bull$#%!…Let’s Get This Done List” is your mindful companion for nurturing creativity and embracing purposeful living! This notepad is a great way to bring forward clarity and intention. It’s a mindful journey towards achieving your dreams. With each stroke of the pen, you’re invited to connect with your thoughts, center your focus, and manifest your aspirations. Crafted to help you appreciate the beauty of the present moment while planning for the future, this notepad encourages gratitude and mindfulness in your daily tasks. Elevate your daily routine with “My No Bull$#%!…Let’s Get This Done List” and embark on a mindful path toward turning your intentions into reality.
NO BS notepad


4×5, 50 pages, Cardboard backing